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Saturday, February 28, 2009 @ 12:11 AM
Oh well, yesterday is my first off day. Petang lepak dengan Baby and Bestfren pat study corner. Lepak skejap jek as tuh balek. mit baby pat ubi. Off to Johor.just the both of us only. =) bawak alek some cigg.. haha selit maha selit. enjoy our moments together. Much love.. <<33 IRRITATING BUSTED!PISSED OFF SIOL.. alek johor, pegy outlet. ehk kiwak menyumpah.. sumpah! naseb someone takde lau tdak, ku angkat kaki ku jalan siak.. Pasal air pun bole gado kepale buto la ehk. aku stakat nak amek straw nak minum kan ade dua straw? kau bute? kan that y bodoh.. die bole kate aku takde care. eh pikimak ape yg takde care?? takmu jadi bodoh jantan? kau minum step kau togok tuh cawan jek? padahal kau pakai straw sial?? -.-" shupid cockfellow. fia bole amik tuh straw rengis aku dgn ice lemon tea. aku da pakai jeans. meleket la. takmu jadi bodoh. aku peh bingit aku tendang sial dia peh lutut. pegy mampos dgn kau. aku ckp kalau kau da bingit pat luar kau jgn nak heret kan dkat aku. aku tak bersalah sial aru jek nak minum air. kan tak sedap gado dgn kau. kau member apiz sial. argh pegy jahanam ar dgn kau. PEST! hah nie agik satu. Kiwak. mengamok siol. someone kol. konon nid financial help. to me money is sensitive issue. kalau kau rase kasi seikhlas hati. u must terima how much the person want to give. kau da tak bole kasi the amount kau nak. tuh bkn 'kasi seikhlas hati tuh da minta siak' lain kali werd kasi btol bole?? kimak piss off siak semua. pas tuh ungkit? ungkit la sesuke hati kau? "susah aruh carik kawan?" aku tak pasal k lau taknak jadi kawan aku. betol aku ckp. kawan betol? bole understand peh kau ade matair. its is so obvious u want to spent wif ur guy.. tapi lau nak ckp susah aru cari kawan?? kau nak blah kau blah k. only true fren will stay b ur side la. pukimak bingit jek! lepas pegy outlet. pegy downtown dgn rafi and wan. mitah dayah Minah pat sane. miss dier giler babi!!! da lepakk downtown pegy kampung cantek. jalan2. den alek.. sampai umah 5.30am. ok cool. cam ne mak aku tak bising? haha. but still enjoy la kuar dgn baby nari.. now is my second day off. nak pegy mkn dkt breeks pat t2. ade staff discount =) heaven! den nak jalan2 crk present baby <3 (overdued story) oh well to nur?(apiz contacted wif) aku just cant b bother. okey. dia nak main giler dgn aku.. biar aku tak pasal. tapi aku jus hope. kau popan aku popan. aku tak mintak banyak siak. kau paham kan maksud aku? anyways life sux. but act as nothing happen.. 0_0
Monday, February 23, 2009 @ 1:13 AM
Saturday, February 21, 2009 @ 8:12 AM
im always in love wif you baby!! but sumtimes.. nevermind. might as well i keep it to myself =) i will always kept those up and down wif me. i love u as much as i can dear...
Friday, February 20, 2009 @ 9:23 AM
Ish lame nye tak update blog haha! kecoh uh! Very busy la lately. keje busy dengan stock takes. Last valentine celebrate dengan apiz pegy sentosa. YESH JUZ THE BOF OF US ONLY.. having fun siot. mandi laut mcm nobody business. main sky ride and the luge. Baby uat class chalet on 16,17,18.. tiga hari berturut2 pegy sane.. Naseb la aku kenal fathen. naseb ade kawan.. fikir alek macam kelakar siol. Aku pikir mcm suway siak ehk sial apiz same class dgn fathen?? dalam hati menyumpah naseb la fathen da berubah. dah jadi abg2. so hifni and geng brought fer him a bufdae cake.. the celebration was like so quiet.. but is was okey... then 18 alek umah jek tdo cam babi.. malam kuar jumpe aPIZ. I brought fer him tiramisu. plan celebrate it wif the guys but -.-" its okey guys. so bopein aku juagk celebrate dgn dia. kecoh kejot kan si rafi tak bgn2. mampos agaknye. end up pegy bedok. sia-sia aje. kite pun tak bole buat apape. rafy tdo bomb meletup pun tak bgn siol.. so kite kuar dari carpark. aku letak la tiramisu pat atas tank. so mase tengah jalan tuh.. tetibe aje mase nak corner motor cant balance itself then dua2 jatoh mcm nangke busuk siot.. kimakkkk!!!! punye la saket. thanx baby.. tapi takpe smlm sesakat mane pun tetap ku pegy dbl o. dengan baby sorang. loving couples kan? alar nie semua hypokrit.. kan?? hehehe end up pai umah dlm kul 5.30am...... bopein tak bole pegy keje.. mc all the way =) |